Ridgefield, New Jersey

photos of Ridgefield
Meet Our Mayor and Council
The Mayor, as chief executive officer of the Borough, is responsible for the enforcement of all New Jersey laws and regulations of the Borough of Ridgefield as defined by ordinance. The Mayor is elected to a four-year term and is eligible for re-election. The Mayor presides over all meetings of the Council but may vote only in case of a tie. The Mayor has veto power, which may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of the Council; makes appointments to standing committees, commissions, boards and ad hoc committees (most of them requiring Council consent); and is automatically a member of the Planning Board, Library Board and the Board of Police Commissioners.The Mayor appoints Ridgefield citizens to serve without pay on boards, commissions and advisory committees. Boards and commissions, which are mandated and regulated by state law, may set policy and act independently of the Mayor and Council. Advisory committees make recommendations to the Council. Some committees are formed annually while other special committees are convened periodically to study specific short-term problems or issues.

The Council consists of six members. Two are elected at large each year for three-year terms. As the legislative body, the Council adopts ordinances and resolutions, decides on appropriations, approves appointments made by the Mayor, determines policy, and establishes the functions of the various departments of the local government. Three Council members, one being Chairperson in each, belong to each standing committees: Finance and Administration, Parks and Recreation, Police, Office of Emergency Management and Municipal Court, Department of Public Works; Buildings and Grounds; Street Lighting, Health and Welfare, Fire Department and Ambulance Corps., Library, Communications, Transportation, Election, and Redevelopment. Council members also serve as liaisons with other committees, commissions and boards.
Hugo Jimenez (Mayor)
James Kontolios (Council President)
Yongki Colin Ryu (Councilman)
Gino Ramundo (Councilman)
Sarah Kim (Councilwoman)
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