Ridgefield, New Jersey

photos of Ridgefield
Cat License

Why should I license my cat?
Cat licensing is part of our municipal rabies control program.  Cat licensing ensures that cats have up to date rabies immunizations, which protects your family and pets against rabies.
Licensing also has the added benefit of providing an easy way of identifying lost cats so they can be quickly returned to their proper owners.

When do I have to license my cat?
Cats are required to get a license when they are old enough to get a rabies vaccination.  
This is generally when they are three months of age or older.

How often must licenses be renewed?
Licenses must be renewed every year or every three years (depending on the cat’s license expiration date) before July 31st.

What information must be included with my application?
Proof of your cat’s current rabies immunization form your veterinarian.  State Health Department
Policy requires the duration of your cat’s rabies immunization to be concurrent with the licensing
year (i.e. must not expire before the end of the licensing year).  

What are the Fees?
Cat License or Renewals made before July 31st?
Fee………………………………… $12.00 One-Year License (Spayed/Neutered)
                                       $15.00  One-Year License (Non-Spayed/Neutered)
Fee………………………………… $34.00 Three-Year License (Spayed/Neutered)
                                       $43.00 Three-Year License (Non-Spayed/Neutered)

Late Renewals after July 31st or licensing after a notice of violation or summons for non-license.
Late Fee…………………………$20.00

Cat License Applications may be submitted to us through the mail to the following address:

Ridgefield Health Department
725 Slocum Avenue
Ridgefield, NJ 07657
Attn: Cat Licensing

Cat License Applications may be mailed or submitted to us in person.


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