Municipal Court
New Jersey Court Rules Part VII govern the practice and procedure in the Municipal Courts in all matters within their statutory jurisdiction, including disorderly and petty disorderly persons offenses; other non-indictable offenses not within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Superior Court; violations of motor vehicle and traffic, fish and game, and boating laws; proceedings to collect penalties where jurisdiction is granted by statute; violations of county and municipal ordinances; and all other proceedings in which jurisdiction is granted by statute. Judge: Hon. Crystal Calabrese, JMC Prosecutor: Michael Candelmo, Esq Court Administrator: Jasna Gega 2024 Ridgefield Municipal Court Sessions
Online Municipal Case Resolution System: To further minimize foot traffic at the courthouse, the municipal court now offers online ticket review to dispute certain moving violations through the Online Municipal Case Resolution System. By having a moving violation reviewed online, it may not be necessary for you to make any court appearance, physically or virtually. Please visit www.njmcdirect.com and enter your ticket information to see if your offense is eligible and select the option for Case Dispute. Eligible traffic tickets will be reviewed by a prosecutor and you will be notified as to the prosecutor’s recommendation / plea offer. Plea by Mail Affidavit: You may also receive correspondence from the court if your case is eligible for resolution using a plea by mail affidavit. If eligible, the prosecutor will offer his recommendations on a “Request to Approve Plea Agreement" form along with a “Plea by Mail Affidavit” form. The forms may be sent to you by the court. If you agree to the resolution, you will be required to sign and return the same to the court. When received, it may not be necessary for you to make any court appearance, physically or virtually to have your matter resolved. Plea by Mail: https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/forms/10715_plea_mail.pdf Your Day in Court: https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/forms/10959_yourdayincourt_8x11.pdf Municipal Court Opening Statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_zJg-XLde0 Do I qualify for a Public Defender? https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/forms/10110_muni_5a.pdf Where may I pay my fine: www.NJMCdirect.com or www.NJcourts.gov Municipal Court Appeal Forms: https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/forms/10559_muni_appeal_kit.pdf NJ Motor Vehicle Commission Point Schedule: https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/license/points-schedule.htm Records Request Application Form Online: https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/forms/10200_records_req.pdf