Ridgefield, New Jersey

photos of Ridgefield
Welcome to the Official Website of the Borough of Ridgefield, NJ. We are excited to use this site to communicate online with our citizens, businesses, and visitors.
News & Announcements
Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 12:57 PM
NJ is in a State of Emergency as of 8AM Sunday January 19th. Up to 6 inches of snow and bitter cold is predicted for East Bergen. Be aware of Emergency Snow Streets. Your safety is our top priority.  There is no parking along these streets so Ridgefield DPW and Bergen County Operations can effectively plow and salt roadways from curb to curb. This will be strictly enforced by summonses and towing vehicles.
It will also help if everyone parks their vehicle in their driveway, if they have one, so First Responders' vehicles can access your road in case of an emergency.
While clearing your property, snow is not to be blown or thrown on roadways per Borough law.
Please support your senior neighbors and those with special needs throughout the storm.
Please shovel around your fire hydrant if there is one on or near your property.  It could mean all the difference in saving property and lives.
To report power outages, please call PSE&G at 1-800-436-7734.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and please be safe.



  1. Notice of Request for Qualifications Statement

The Borough of Ridgefield (Borough) is soliciting Qualification statements from interested persons and/or firms for the awarding in 2025of contracts for the provision of services listed below by a Request for Qualification Process (RFQ).  Individual persons and/or firms interested in assisting the Borough with the provision of these services must prepare and submit a Qualification Statement in accordance with the procedure in this RFQ.  The Borough will review Qualification Statements only from those persons or firms that submit a Qualification Statement that includes substantially all the information required to be included.  Qualifications will be evaluated by the Borough on the basis of the most advantageous submission, all relevant factors considered.  The evaluation will consider experience and reputation in the field, knowledge of the Borough and the subject matter addressed under the contract, availability to accommodate the required meetings of the Borough and compensation proposal.

The Borough intends to qualify person(s) and/or firm(s) that:  (a) possess(es) the professional, financial, and administrative familiarity with the Borough, experience, training, and capabilities to provide the proposed services, and (b) agrees and meets the terms and conditions determined by the Borough that provide the greatest benefit to the taxpayers of the Borough.

In as much as the contracts to be awarded are for professional services, the selection of qualified respondents is not subject to the public bidding or competitive contracting provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law, NJSA 40A:11-1 et seq.  The Borough has determined, however, that the selection be subject to the fair and open process authorized by the “New Jersey Local Unit Pay to Play” Law, NJSA 19:44A-20.4 et seq.  The Borough has structured a procurement process that seeks to obtain the desired results, while establishing a competitive process to assure that each person and/or firm is provided an equal opportunity to submit a Qualification Statement in response to RFQ.

Requests for Qualification documents are available at the Office of the CFO/Qualified Purchasing Agent, 700 Shaler Boulevard, Ridgefield, NJ 07657 or on the Borough’s website www.RidgefieldNJ.gov. Qualification Statements must be submitted to and be received by Frank Elenio, CFO/Qualified Purchasing Agent, 700 Shaler Boulevard, Ridgefield, NJ 07657, on or before 11:00 AM on Thursday, January 23, 2025.  Qualification Statements will not be accepted by facsimile transmission or e-mail.  Personal delivery is recommended and receipt for delivery should be obtained.  The responses will be opened at 11:00 AM on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at the Municipal Complex for review by the Evaluation Committee of the Mayor and Council.


1)      Affordable Housing Planner and Consultant

2)      Borough Prosecutor

3)      Alternate Public Defender

  1. Instructions for Qualification Statement and Criteria

 Qualification Statements must be submitted in the manner designated in these instructions, and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing name and address of the person and/or firm submitting the statement bidder and the name of the work on the outside, addressed to the Borough.

Qualification Statements shall demonstrate the following:

  1. Experience and reputation of the person/firm in the field
  2. Availability to accommodate the needs of the Borough’s meeting schedule
  3. Knowledge of the Borough’s needs and history and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract.
  4. Compensation proposal

The Borough’s Mayor and Council reserves the right to select qualified contractors based on the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and in the best interest of the Borough.  The recommendation will be based on an evaluation and ranking, which shall include technical, management, and cost related criteria.  Those responding to the RFQ are required to comply with the provisions of NJSA 10:5-31 et seq. and NJAC 17:21-1 et seq., if applicable.

Linda M. Silvestri, RMC, Borough Clerk

(Click "Read More" Below)

Ridgefield History Club
The Ridgefield Borough Historians are proud to announce the return of the Ridgefield History Club. The History Club is a group interested in remembering, sharing and preserving the history of our Borough. Join us for monthly meetings where we will visit a different topic or theme of Ridgefield's past through photos, presentations and guest speakers.
Our next meeting is scheduled for January 21st at the Ridgefield Public Library.  All are welcome.

RECYCLABLES WILL CONTINUE TO BE PICKED UP EVERY WEDNESDAY FOR THE WHOLE TOWN ALTERNATING CO-MINGLED ITEMS & CARDBOARD/PAPER ITEMS EACH WEEK.  Wednesday, January 3rd, we will be picking up Co-mingled Items Only.  The following Wednesday, January 10th, we will be picking up Cardboard/Paper Only, and so on...

Click below to view or download the 2024 recycling calendar
2024 Ridgefield_Recycling_Schedule_Calendar

Suez Water NJ Facts and FAQ Regarding Lead

What should SUEZ customers know about lead in drinking water in Bergen and Hudson counties?


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